About Ruth

About Ruth

Photo of Ruth Traynar

My Journey

It would be fair to say that I have a fairly chequered background when it comes to my faith journey. Growing up in a Christian home, we attended a Baptist church, but on holiday we would attend any local church or chapel. This taught me from an early age, that the most important thing isn’t the label on the outside, but the nature of the faith of the people inside. Since that time I have been belonged to Baptist, Anglican, URC and Brethren congregations.

When I left school I trained as a teacher and taught in several primary schools until in 1988 when my husband and I moved to California for his work. There we savoured both the sunshine and a different way of life, which nourished my faith in many unexpected ways. 

Being away from home and family opens vistas! Whilst there, we worshiped at the local Vineyard church and I was on staff there for ten years with responsibility for prayer. This involved various initiatives; conferences, days or weeks of prayer in various guises and setting up and maintaining a way of ensuring that leaders received regular and relevant prayer support.

While in California, our two sons were born and I probably learned as much from being a mother as from many of the other experiences that have come my way!

We returned to the UK in 2000 and settled in Banbury. I rejoined the profession which I love and taught in a primary school part time. We started attending Banbury Community Church where I recently served as an elder for seven years. This included speaking on Sundays, overseeing pastoral care and leading a small group.

To foster my growing desire to nurture people who want to deepen their faith I completed an ‘Introduction to Counselling’ course and qualified as Spiritual Director with the Diocese of Oxford. I remain on their list of directors and am planning to complete a course in supervision.

While I believe that every experience is part of God’s shaping, it was while I was attending the Spiritual Direction course that I found words and expression for many of the practices that I was already engaging in. Silence and space with God had always been a priority but I learned that it has a long tradition and there are many ancient as well as more recent ways to facilitate this.

Using my teaching and leadership abilities I developed a short course entitled ‘Connecting with God’ as a gentle way of introducing others to these time honoured methods. This was followed, some 14 years ago, by the birth of regular quiet days where others are guided to deepen their connection with God.

My Desire

I recognise that there are many ways to grow and learn in faith and I never want to suggest that the resources and input I offer are the only ones. They are however the ones on which I thrive and I long to share them with others.

I believe that connecting with God is the key to making sense of our life journey but making time and space for this has become increasingly difficult with our present lifestyles. While we may know at some level that God is with us at all times, we often need help in discovering him in the present moment.

As my own faith continues to grow and evolve, I have increasingly come to value the experience of silence, quiet and contemplation. Facilitating this for others is an honour. Experiencing God at work in the lives of others is a delight beyond words…

… but this is what I love to be able to do.