Making Space

The book, Making Space, grew out of my leading of quiet days and times of stillness. As I facilitated others in silent spaces, I became increasingly aware of the dearth of specific ideas for things to do in a space, having created it. People of faith are generally not new to the idea that setting aside time for thought and prayer is a useful exercise, but beyond the obvious – reading and/or praying, practical ideas seem somewhat thin on the ground. The ancient practice of Lectio Devina, the Ignatian way of imaginative reading or examen are good places to begin, but are there other ways draw closer to God? Having designed and developed various practical ideas in different contexts, I began to wonder if, by bringing them together, I could add to the tool box available to those looking for hints and ideas of how to use the space having made it. And so the book was born, containing ideas and suggestions, hopefully really practical but never intended to be prescriptive.

The images provided by my husband Paul, augment the words and could potentially provide focus without even reading the words beside them.

My hope is that this book will provide opportunities to connect with the divine in the spaces we make. Click on the thumbnail below for a brief look inside the book.

Making Space Look Inside

If you’d like to buy a copy contact me through the Contact page. The price is £12.50 plus £3.50 shipping to UK addresses.